Thursday, July 30, 2009

Work it harder... do it faster...

Favorite Gym Song of the Moment: Tribute - Tenacious D

Wow. I'm sore this week. Lifted uppers Tuesday - still felt it yesterday. Took yesterday off from lifting AND running (since walking was complicated for me) Had a really hard workout with my trainer today - did uppers. I couldn't tell you everything I did, because A- my book is still at the gym and B- I spent the last 5 minutes of my lift in a sleepy haze/sore haze. As I finished up my workout, I said I was going to walk because my legs were sore and I couldn't run...

WELL, since I still have that competitive spirit in me, I did my usual warm-up, walked for like 15 seconds and was bored, so I ran. Not only did I run a little, I ran 4 miles (the most I've done in a couple weeks)

It seems I hit the wall around 30 minutes. Need to work on that. After my run (and extended cool down) I laid in the sauna for 15 minutes and then headed over to GNC in desperate need of protein or something.

I'm really tired right now - so work should be interesting. Hopefully lifting legs tomorrow morning, work all day, and then off... running at the lake Saturday which should be nice for a road run - I'm just aiming for a 35 minute run. :)

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