Monday, July 13, 2009

Beggin...Beggin' You..

Favorite Gym Song of the Moment: Britney Spears - Stronger

So, I took the weekend off (mistake) because of the shower and then laziness yesterday. I hit the gym tonight, lifted and ran. My lift was okay, it was really crowded and the machines/area I needed were packed. I had to modify my workout, which was annoying. I had a pretty good abs work out - 3 planks for 1 min, 3 side planks for 45 seconds with 8lbs weigh, then v-sit ups.

I then went for my run and it felt pretty good. It seems each run, I get bored/tired around 1.25 miles in and have to talk myself into finishing the run. Fortunately, I've never stopped. I had to pause today because I knocked my magazine off onto the treadmill and almost tripped on it. The good news, I didn't!

My funny story of the night (other than almost tripping on my magazine) I went in the sauna and there were these two women in there. I was in the sauna for 15 minutes and the one woman was still in there - I realized she was sound asleep and SNORING in the sauna. I think that's almost bad as the woman that spritzes herself in the dry sauna.

So that's that. Legs tomorrow and biking and swimming. Of course a little BBW mixed in during the day too, so, I won't beat myself up on the swim. Probably bike tomorrow night afterwards.

I found some races that I want to do - Pittsburgh has a half marathon November 1, I think I'm going to try and do that... if not there are a handful of 5ks along the way...

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