Sunday, July 19, 2009

Send me on my way...

Favorite Gym Song of the Moment: I Gotta A Feeling - Black Eyed Peas

So I have been wanting to write this since Friday, but I just haven't had a chance. I have been lifting the past few days - but I tweaked my left hamstring so I've been giving it a few days rest. I'm looking to get back to running tomorrow since it feels 100x better. I also had a horrid migraine yesterday that eventually turned into a sinus headache - I spent my day (after working) hiding from lights under my pillow. :)

On Friday, I finally had my fitness evaluation done! Since my first evaluation - which was completed January 17, 2009 - to July 17, 2009 I have done the following (and remember - I didn't really start working hard until late April/Early May)

*Lost 5.5% body fat
*Lost 20lbs
*My heart rate on the 3 minute step test went down by 30bpm (although in January I had just had a turbo tea...aka lots of caffeine)
*Increased upper and lower body strength (increased the weigh by 10 on upper and leg pressed 250 15x - as opposed to 200 10x in January) I could have done a bit more but my knee was bothering me.
*Increased my flexibility from +2in on Vsit to +4in
*Went from being able to do 1 assisted pullup to 15+ (could have kept going)
*Dropped 5.5 inches off my waist
*5 inches off my hips
*And took a 1/2 inch to 1 inch off everything else - except my big calves, those suckers have always been big. I did take 3 inches off each of my thighs. Sweet.

I rewarded myself by eating a pretty awesome dessert Friday night at the Pirate game from the dessert cart... I don't know what was in it - but it was chocolate and amazing...

So, all in all I am SUPER happy about my results so far. :) Now if I can drop 10 more lbs for the wedding in 6 weeks...

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