Monday, July 27, 2009

Favorite Gym Song of the Moment: Baba O'Riley - The Who

Ok, what a day. Lifted hard lowers today - followed by a really tough abs workout. I started to slide on my sixth set of planks. It was not fun. On the angled leg press I did the most I've done - so we'll see how my knee feels tomorrow.

I followed it up with a 3.5 mile run. Man I was flying the last 2 minutes. It's definitely hard to run after a legs workout. I burned a nice 500+ calories on the treadmill today not including my lift. Depending how I'm feeling in 2 hours I may go for a leisurely bike ride, not sure yet. That may have to be tomorrow. I've beat my legs up already today. :)

Weight wise - I'm at the lowest I've been, pretty excited about that. Although I was pretty excited to step on the scale today and not see any gains after the past few days.

With only 6 weeks to go until I put on my bridesmaid dress - I have started mapping out my workout schedule. 1- so I have a plan 2- so I make myself go to the gym or go for a run.

My plug for the day - Powerade Zero. Frickin' love that stuff. Although I just bought some Propel packets to put in your water, they are pretty good. But for 75 cents I can get 32 ounces of red, blue, or purple electrolyte goodness. (me=nerd)

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