Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 1 (at least of writing)

Favorite Song For The Gym Right Now: Till I Collapse - Eminem

So, to be honest, I started on this journey back in January. My goal was to do my first triathlon (which I was going to do, but unfortunately I don't have the cash) It was also part inspired by my brother's wedding - where I am a bridesmaid. The thought of being in a wedding in my "athletic state" (or lack there of) at the time absolutely frightened me. I was at my heaviest weight probably ever and decided it was time to join a gym.

I joined LA Fitness and started out barely being able to run 1/2 of a mile. A little background, I swam competitively for 5 years and ran track in high school, until I had knee surgery senior year (2000). I went off to college and pretty much hit a downward exercise spiral. After graduation in 2004 I joined a local gym (only because I liked this one guy name Mike and he went to the gym religiously) Needless to say we never ended up dating and my membership to Extreme Fitness went unused for quite some time.

In 2007 I joined Healthtrax (overpriced, ps) and kind of went but didn't put my heart into it. Which leads me back to January when I stepped on a scale and almost started crying. At times I still pictured myself as the girl who could fit in size 2 jeans (not size 12 *gasp*) and those were getting tight on me.

During the months of January and February I "worked out" but focused more on trying to run again. In March I became a little more dedicated to lifting as well and swimming. Also in March I acquired a road bike - which I enjoy biking so much. Finally, in April I realized I needed to work a lot harder on lifting and I'll let my secret out, yes, I see a trainer once a week. He kicks my butt on a weekly basis. My next butt-kicking session is in 90 minutes so I know I will not be able to raise my arms above my head this afternoon. The great thing is he writes workouts up for me for the rest of the week as well and I've been trying different machines and workouts that I have never tried before! I spend about 20 minutes lifting and then 10 minutes on hardcore ab workouts (read - sideplanks with 10 rows or renegade rows - pushup position with two 10lb weights - row right, row left, pushup, then walk forward on my hands)

I have dropped almost 20 lbs since January and have happily been able to put on size 8's in almost everything. I am hoping to drop 10 more lbs by the wedding which I feel I can do because the majority of the 20lbs I dropped between April and now.

So - why start this blog? To document my progress, share my stories of the gym (and like the time I almost fell off the treadmill because I wasn't paying attention) Or any new exercises I do. I'm up to running 4-5 miles depending on the day and depending on my knee. I swim 2x a week and I bike at least once a week. My ultimate goal is to do an Olympic length triathlon (next summer) but mixing in some sprint tris along the way a few 5ks and would LOVE to run a half marathon (I am running in the marathon relay next summer)

You lucky folks get to follow me on this journey - hopefully cheer me on, give me a little motivation (especially on those days I have no desire to go for a run or lift) or even want to join me for a race (5k or half marathon anyone?) I'll share my favorite gym songs at the moment and please feel free to share your favorites!!

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