Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sing For The Moment...

First - my thoughts go out to those families affected by the shootings at LA Fitness yesterday in Bridgeville. That's the gym I belong to and it's really scary to think that a place I considered safe and a place to relax and relieve stress - I may not be able to step foot in to. I'm sure I'm not alone..

I had a dream last night that I went there to lift and it was just awful... the whole thing was so senseless and so sad.. and so many friends and their family members had close calls last there. My friends parents had just left. My sister's friend almost went to that class but decided not to. Myself, I was getting ready to head to the gym around 730 when I decided to continue being lazy (for whatever reason) and went to make dinner instead. I had my gym shorts on and was packing up my gym bag. For whatever reason, I didn't go, and I'm so thankful for that. My friend texted me at 820 telling me not to go near the gym... that sick feeling you get in your stomach, ugh. So thankful none of my friends were hurt. So sorry for all of those there and who were involved.

For now, I'm going to go to the other LA Fitness in the area... I have to step foot in the Bridgeville one sometime to get my training log I left with my trainer last week. (Who is fortunately ok!) The next few days I'll try out that one, see how the commute is - and just do some free weights and abs at home...

I ran tonight, in the super muggy conditions that exist in Pittsburgh. Oh man. It was hard. Running up Cochran Road from Cedar was so hard. 1/2 mile up hill. Made it two minutes. Had to stop and catch my breath - then continued the trek up the hill...

It was great to clear my brain though...

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