Thursday, July 30, 2009

Work it harder... do it faster...

Favorite Gym Song of the Moment: Tribute - Tenacious D

Wow. I'm sore this week. Lifted uppers Tuesday - still felt it yesterday. Took yesterday off from lifting AND running (since walking was complicated for me) Had a really hard workout with my trainer today - did uppers. I couldn't tell you everything I did, because A- my book is still at the gym and B- I spent the last 5 minutes of my lift in a sleepy haze/sore haze. As I finished up my workout, I said I was going to walk because my legs were sore and I couldn't run...

WELL, since I still have that competitive spirit in me, I did my usual warm-up, walked for like 15 seconds and was bored, so I ran. Not only did I run a little, I ran 4 miles (the most I've done in a couple weeks)

It seems I hit the wall around 30 minutes. Need to work on that. After my run (and extended cool down) I laid in the sauna for 15 minutes and then headed over to GNC in desperate need of protein or something.

I'm really tired right now - so work should be interesting. Hopefully lifting legs tomorrow morning, work all day, and then off... running at the lake Saturday which should be nice for a road run - I'm just aiming for a 35 minute run. :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Favorite Gym Song of the Moment: Baba O'Riley - The Who

Ok, what a day. Lifted hard lowers today - followed by a really tough abs workout. I started to slide on my sixth set of planks. It was not fun. On the angled leg press I did the most I've done - so we'll see how my knee feels tomorrow.

I followed it up with a 3.5 mile run. Man I was flying the last 2 minutes. It's definitely hard to run after a legs workout. I burned a nice 500+ calories on the treadmill today not including my lift. Depending how I'm feeling in 2 hours I may go for a leisurely bike ride, not sure yet. That may have to be tomorrow. I've beat my legs up already today. :)

Weight wise - I'm at the lowest I've been, pretty excited about that. Although I was pretty excited to step on the scale today and not see any gains after the past few days.

With only 6 weeks to go until I put on my bridesmaid dress - I have started mapping out my workout schedule. 1- so I have a plan 2- so I make myself go to the gym or go for a run.

My plug for the day - Powerade Zero. Frickin' love that stuff. Although I just bought some Propel packets to put in your water, they are pretty good. But for 75 cents I can get 32 ounces of red, blue, or purple electrolyte goodness. (me=nerd)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

All those mocha lattes...

Favorite Gym Song of the Moments: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Miley Cyrus (ok - it's great for running... don't make fun of me :))

So, yeah. Today was a tough day at the gym. I hadn't been in since Friday. I had every intention after getting my fitness evaluation to go lift - but then I had to work at BBW (didn't know this) So then I planned on going after work. After work I was too tired and didn't have enough time before the Pirates game. Saturday had me laid up with a migraine that somehow morphed into a sinus headache (sweeet) I hid under my pillow most of the day after work. I have no excuses for Sunday or Monday or Tuesday on why I didn't go. 6 weeks until the wedding, I've been working so hard, I cannot lapse now!

I was meeting with my trainer today, so of course I had to go. Yeah, he kicked my butt, again. I did drop sets on the decline press and the low row. 4 sets on each going down in weight then doing it all over again! Since I'm obviously not a body builder - it's not something I should do often, but it's good to mix it up every once and awhile (this I learned today)

THEN I got to run stairs. 4 sets of those. Then 4 sets of hopping up one flight on one leg. Then 2 sets of hopping on both all the way up. The guy on the elliptical at the top of the steps was definitely laughing at me. Oh well. :) Followed by 2 sets of 15 throwing the medicine ball against the wall and catching it then 2 sets of 15 throwing the medicine ball backwards over my head against the wall (squatting down to throw it) I was thoroughly whipped and slightly dizzy afterwards.

Since I couldn't relax quite yet - I was going for a 3.5 mile run - easy, I ended up running 3 because I was wiped from working out (I also did 45 minutes of yard work BEFORE going to the gym) For some reason I didn't want to listen to any of the songs on my play list. I kept skipping songs. It was one of those days.

Tomorrow is another day. Lowers. Run. Maybe a swim or bike.

Hamstring feels good - so that's good. Left knee (aka my "good knee") didn't like me today on my run.

As G.O.B. would say (for any of you Arrested Development fans) COME ON!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Send me on my way...

Favorite Gym Song of the Moment: I Gotta A Feeling - Black Eyed Peas

So I have been wanting to write this since Friday, but I just haven't had a chance. I have been lifting the past few days - but I tweaked my left hamstring so I've been giving it a few days rest. I'm looking to get back to running tomorrow since it feels 100x better. I also had a horrid migraine yesterday that eventually turned into a sinus headache - I spent my day (after working) hiding from lights under my pillow. :)

On Friday, I finally had my fitness evaluation done! Since my first evaluation - which was completed January 17, 2009 - to July 17, 2009 I have done the following (and remember - I didn't really start working hard until late April/Early May)

*Lost 5.5% body fat
*Lost 20lbs
*My heart rate on the 3 minute step test went down by 30bpm (although in January I had just had a turbo tea...aka lots of caffeine)
*Increased upper and lower body strength (increased the weigh by 10 on upper and leg pressed 250 15x - as opposed to 200 10x in January) I could have done a bit more but my knee was bothering me.
*Increased my flexibility from +2in on Vsit to +4in
*Went from being able to do 1 assisted pullup to 15+ (could have kept going)
*Dropped 5.5 inches off my waist
*5 inches off my hips
*And took a 1/2 inch to 1 inch off everything else - except my big calves, those suckers have always been big. I did take 3 inches off each of my thighs. Sweet.

I rewarded myself by eating a pretty awesome dessert Friday night at the Pirate game from the dessert cart... I don't know what was in it - but it was chocolate and amazing...

So, all in all I am SUPER happy about my results so far. :) Now if I can drop 10 more lbs for the wedding in 6 weeks...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Beggin...Beggin' You..

Favorite Gym Song of the Moment: Britney Spears - Stronger

So, I took the weekend off (mistake) because of the shower and then laziness yesterday. I hit the gym tonight, lifted and ran. My lift was okay, it was really crowded and the machines/area I needed were packed. I had to modify my workout, which was annoying. I had a pretty good abs work out - 3 planks for 1 min, 3 side planks for 45 seconds with 8lbs weigh, then v-sit ups.

I then went for my run and it felt pretty good. It seems each run, I get bored/tired around 1.25 miles in and have to talk myself into finishing the run. Fortunately, I've never stopped. I had to pause today because I knocked my magazine off onto the treadmill and almost tripped on it. The good news, I didn't!

My funny story of the night (other than almost tripping on my magazine) I went in the sauna and there were these two women in there. I was in the sauna for 15 minutes and the one woman was still in there - I realized she was sound asleep and SNORING in the sauna. I think that's almost bad as the woman that spritzes herself in the dry sauna.

So that's that. Legs tomorrow and biking and swimming. Of course a little BBW mixed in during the day too, so, I won't beat myself up on the swim. Probably bike tomorrow night afterwards.

I found some races that I want to do - Pittsburgh has a half marathon November 1, I think I'm going to try and do that... if not there are a handful of 5ks along the way...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Til I Collapse

Favorite Gym Song Of The Moment: Ecstasy - Rusted Root

I got my lower lift in, a tough abs workout, then ran 3.52 miles. I'm going to bike later but I need something to eat. Badly.

Some questions I was pondering at the gym today:

Why do people wear flip flops to lift? I'd be afraid of dropping weight on my toes.
Why are you smoking after just working out? That makes no sense. At least wait 30 minutes.
Why are you NOT wearing shoes while riding the bike?
Why are you NOT wearing shoes in the bathroom? (Gross)
Why are you NOT wearing shoes in the shower area?
Why does that one women spritz herself in the dry sauna?
Why do 3 minutes of cardio?
Why did you get on the treadmill next to me when there are about 20 open treadmills?
Why are you talking to yourself? (This lady was getting ready in the locker room having a full conversation with herself - SCARY!)

...and finally...

Why did I do that last set of calf raises - $5 I can't get out of bed tomorrow like that one other time I did too many sets.....

One Day At A Time

Today's Favorite Gym Song: I'm Shipping Up To Boston - Dropkick Murphys

Ok, so yesterday's workout kicked my butt. Let me rephrase that, my trainer kicked my butt! I did shoulder presses, single arm rows balancing on the opposite leg (had to have less weight when balancing on my right knee, it still is hating me, dancing until 3am Saturday night does that), straight bar bent rows, incline chest flies, nautilus chest press, wheel barrel (okay - those were tough, to be honest, I was glad I had shaved my legs, I almost forgot on my way out the door, I would have been embarrassed. :) I had to do them the length of the gym) Followed by tricep extensions and curls. Don't be too jealous - I can't raise my arms today.

I followed my lift by a nice 3.5 mile run at a 11:25/mi pace. I'm hoping to finally get down to a 10:00/mi pace and eventually a sub 10. I'm not sure I'll ever see the days of a 2:30 half mile, but I'll be happy to hit a 9:00/mi pace. For now, I'll take that pace and the fact I can comfortable run 3.5 miles compared to barely being able to run half a mile. (aka epic failure on my part)

Suggestions for my gym mix? What songs do you guys like to listen to??

Today is lower body and getting measurements to see how I have improved - I haven't had an evaluation since January, so this should be quite interesting. The only thing I may avoid is the weight, I went to the movies last night and housed popcorn (it's just so good) and then Biff had chicken cordon bleu for dinner.

Speaking of food- if anyone is ever looking for a pretty yummy meal replacement (especially when you are on the go) GNC sells one called Mix-1. The Mix Berry is pretty yummy and it's 200 calories, 15g of protein, and lots of vitamins. (Also lactose free) The 2:1 protein bars are pretty yummy after a workout, they don't require a ton of water or chewing like some (like the light muscle milk bar I had yesterday - yuck) Light Muscle Milk protein shakes are pretty good - 100 calories and 15g protein.

Today is another gym day, run, and hopefully a bike ride!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 1 (at least of writing)

Favorite Song For The Gym Right Now: Till I Collapse - Eminem

So, to be honest, I started on this journey back in January. My goal was to do my first triathlon (which I was going to do, but unfortunately I don't have the cash) It was also part inspired by my brother's wedding - where I am a bridesmaid. The thought of being in a wedding in my "athletic state" (or lack there of) at the time absolutely frightened me. I was at my heaviest weight probably ever and decided it was time to join a gym.

I joined LA Fitness and started out barely being able to run 1/2 of a mile. A little background, I swam competitively for 5 years and ran track in high school, until I had knee surgery senior year (2000). I went off to college and pretty much hit a downward exercise spiral. After graduation in 2004 I joined a local gym (only because I liked this one guy name Mike and he went to the gym religiously) Needless to say we never ended up dating and my membership to Extreme Fitness went unused for quite some time.

In 2007 I joined Healthtrax (overpriced, ps) and kind of went but didn't put my heart into it. Which leads me back to January when I stepped on a scale and almost started crying. At times I still pictured myself as the girl who could fit in size 2 jeans (not size 12 *gasp*) and those were getting tight on me.

During the months of January and February I "worked out" but focused more on trying to run again. In March I became a little more dedicated to lifting as well and swimming. Also in March I acquired a road bike - which I enjoy biking so much. Finally, in April I realized I needed to work a lot harder on lifting and I'll let my secret out, yes, I see a trainer once a week. He kicks my butt on a weekly basis. My next butt-kicking session is in 90 minutes so I know I will not be able to raise my arms above my head this afternoon. The great thing is he writes workouts up for me for the rest of the week as well and I've been trying different machines and workouts that I have never tried before! I spend about 20 minutes lifting and then 10 minutes on hardcore ab workouts (read - sideplanks with 10 rows or renegade rows - pushup position with two 10lb weights - row right, row left, pushup, then walk forward on my hands)

I have dropped almost 20 lbs since January and have happily been able to put on size 8's in almost everything. I am hoping to drop 10 more lbs by the wedding which I feel I can do because the majority of the 20lbs I dropped between April and now.

So - why start this blog? To document my progress, share my stories of the gym (and like the time I almost fell off the treadmill because I wasn't paying attention) Or any new exercises I do. I'm up to running 4-5 miles depending on the day and depending on my knee. I swim 2x a week and I bike at least once a week. My ultimate goal is to do an Olympic length triathlon (next summer) but mixing in some sprint tris along the way a few 5ks and would LOVE to run a half marathon (I am running in the marathon relay next summer)

You lucky folks get to follow me on this journey - hopefully cheer me on, give me a little motivation (especially on those days I have no desire to go for a run or lift) or even want to join me for a race (5k or half marathon anyone?) I'll share my favorite gym songs at the moment and please feel free to share your favorites!!