Sunday, August 30, 2009

I see these changes...

Song of the Moment: Run This Town - Jay-Z / Rihanna / Kanye West

WELL! I did it! I finished my first 5k in 18 months. Believe me, I was really nervous about it. I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish, I'd run slowly, lots of things. But I finished! My goal was to run 35 minutes or less...

So for a quick comparison:

On March 29, 2008 I ran in the Just A Short Run 5k, my results are as follows:

Katie Cavanaugh, 26, Pittsburgh, PA             43:48    44:37   14:23
A sad and pathetic 14:23 mile pace. Ugh!

My results today:

2504 KATIE CAVANAUGH PITTSBUGH PA F2529 27 F 0:29:56 0:31:15 1450

(my pace was a 9:36/mi)

I felt really, really, really, awesome about that. It's good to know all of my hard work paid off (btw - my time is 29:56, it's when I crossed the start - not adjusted is 31:15)

I'm just glad if anyone ever googles me - I'll have a faster time to show for myself. :) Proof that dropping 28 pounds DOES make you run faster. (Oh yeah and training for it)

So I'm super psyched about this!! :) Next race - the Great Race in September!!

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