Friday, December 10, 2010

Runnin' down a dream... pt 2

Song of the moment: The Time (Dirty Bit) - Black Eyed Peas

(among MANY other songs....)

I swear I posted something since March. Apparently I have not.

As I sifted through my old entries and my goals, it amazes me how far I have come.

It's been two years since I started my weight loss journey/bringing running back into my life. To date, I have dropped 45 pounds, dropped 6 dress sizes, and logged countless miles on the roads and hours in the gym. In 2010, I completed 3 half marathons and ran a PR in a 5k (9:06/mi pace)

I struggled through not wanting to run in the heat of the summer (and I paid for it during the RNR Half in September.) I swallowed my pride after that race and signed up for Philly's Half. In all fairness, despite it being an awful time, I had finished a half marathon. I'm a competitve person, so I was determined to get back to what I ran in March. I ran 2:14. Not my best. DEFINITELY not my worst. I had started out slower than the others on purpose, the hill near mile 9 wrecked me too. I was happy with my finish though. :)

Presently, I have nothing on my "race calendar". I plan on running Martha's Run 10k again in April, I may try a 12mi trail race the first weekend in January, and I'm definitely running Broad Street (which also wrecked me ha) and potentially the Pittsburgh Half Marathon in May.

I am determined to run my first marathon next year - most likely Philly and I will try a triathlon (or two)

Along with those goals, it is my hope to lose a final 10 pounds. ...and update this a bit more... :)

(between mile 6 and 7 during the Philly half)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'rish a good run...

Song of the moment: imma be - black eyed peas

So... I did it! I ran my first half marathon. I finished officially 2:07:43. I never stopped running.... For a few reasons..

I hurt my knee during snowapalooza 2 ( which fell on what should have been a 9mi long run weekend) I went out for 4.. It didn't go well. I then tweaked my IT band a few weeks ago and bailed on my final long run 6mi in (aka I walked home in the rain 2mi)

So 42lbs later.. Barely being able to run half a mile.. I finished a half marathon!! 13.1 miles of running in Virginia beach. I remembered today why I love running so much. From the random stranger offering us a ride to the start, the support along the way, beer stops at mile 2 and 10 (which this Irish girl took part in :)), or the crossing the finish line.. I'm so glad to have running back in my life.

Next... Marthas run (10k) in 3 weeks.. Broad street 10mi in may.. And Pittsburgh triathlon in august :)

Sham'rock on :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tis the season..

Running song of the moment: Lisztomania - Phoenix (or pretty much anything by Vampire Weekend)

I figured since it has been awhile I should post something! First - what a journey 2009 has been (just in case I forget to write again this year)

I have lost 38lbs since January. Truly amazing. It hasn't been easy at all. But fitting back into size 6 jeans this weekend has made it worth it. (I was barely in a 12 - closer to a 14) I look at old pictures of myself and I see myself but it blows my mind that was me.

I definitely feel more confident and better about myself. I remember going to meeting in my favorite navy pin stripe suit - usually with a sweater over my buttondown to take away from my inability to button my suit coat and to camoflague my rolls(ha) Last week I went to wear that suit - couldn't - even with a belt I was swimming in my pants! :)

2009 has been a rollercoaster- new things, new town, etc. I'm so thankful for rediscovering running. :) 3 months and some days until my first half marathon - I'm really excited.

My other goal for 2010 - lose about 10 more lbs (or fit into a 2/4) and complete my first triathlon. Of course I have other races I'm planning on running (5ks, marthas run 10k, and broadstreet)

So thanks to all my friends who have been on this trail with me.. And for those of you scared of running.. Try it. Walk 30 minutes 5x a week. Then start adding in short run/walk intervals.. Greatest sport - it's cheap (just add shoes and maybe a friend), you can run anywhere, and you can really clear your head :)

Happy holidays and happy running :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

These lights will inspire you..

Song of the moment: Run This Town - jay.z, Rihanna, and kanye west

So, I haven't posted anything in awhile. I ran the great race in 29:26 - 30 seconds faster than my Gatorade 5k race. Now I'm looking ahead to other races. I was inspired this past weekend to finally run a half marathon (and everything seems like a good idea when drinking some beers :)) so in march I'm running the shamrock half marathon in virginia beach!

I'm running a 4-mile race in a few weeks, maybe an 8k next month during the Philly marathon, and I will probably tackle a turkey trot :) Other than that I'm just trying to bump my mileage up each week - I did run 5 miles two weeks ago, I was proud of myself, I'm around 4mi now.

I have officially lost 31.5 pounds - I'm hoping to drop 10 more by the holidays. I think by really focusing on running will help with that. Running has been very theraputic for me - from losing my job in January to my break-up this summer. I am glad to have running back in my life!

I'm definitely running toward something new - new town (Philadelphia), new job, joining a running club out here, and a new outlook on things. I just need to meet someone who runs - haha.

I also think I am going to drop my gym membership - stick to trail running, abs at home, and free weights. The la fitness here doesn't have a pool :(

One final note - don't eat anything an hour for a run :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I see these changes...

Song of the Moment: Run This Town - Jay-Z / Rihanna / Kanye West

WELL! I did it! I finished my first 5k in 18 months. Believe me, I was really nervous about it. I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish, I'd run slowly, lots of things. But I finished! My goal was to run 35 minutes or less...

So for a quick comparison:

On March 29, 2008 I ran in the Just A Short Run 5k, my results are as follows:

Katie Cavanaugh, 26, Pittsburgh, PA             43:48    44:37   14:23
A sad and pathetic 14:23 mile pace. Ugh!

My results today:

2504 KATIE CAVANAUGH PITTSBUGH PA F2529 27 F 0:29:56 0:31:15 1450

(my pace was a 9:36/mi)

I felt really, really, really, awesome about that. It's good to know all of my hard work paid off (btw - my time is 29:56, it's when I crossed the start - not adjusted is 31:15)

I'm just glad if anyone ever googles me - I'll have a faster time to show for myself. :) Proof that dropping 28 pounds DOES make you run faster. (Oh yeah and training for it)

So I'm super psyched about this!! :) Next race - the Great Race in September!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Glad to have you back...

Gym Song of the Moment: Lasso - Phoenix

My gym reopened yesterday. I didn't have time (or the energy) to go back yesterday. I did a lot of thinking yesterday and decided that I could and would step foot back in LA Fitness. That jerk wasn't going to win.

So at 12:15 today, I walked back into LA Fitness in Bridgeville, sad, nervous, excited, and sorry for all those involved. I was happy to see an abundance of cars in the parking lot. I was happy to see people back working out. I was glad to be back. Although, the feelings I had in those brief 5 seconds as they scanned my member tag - as my eyes darted back to the aerobics room, the sadness that filled my body thinking about those women who were just going to workout and have some fun... my thoughts and prayers with them and their families.

I lifted uppers for about 25 minutes, it was tough - especially because I hadn't lifted in almost 3 weeks. I then did 6 minutes of planks and abs followed by a 40 minute/3.6 mile run. I'm going to feel all of this tomorrow (or in 30 minutes when I am at work)

With all of that said, LA Fitness, I am so glad you are back. It is truly a wonderful gym full of wonderful people that work there and individuals working out there...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I like you just the way you are...

Song of the moment: Shakira - She Wolf

I'm headed out for a run in a bit (although I may wait until Hell's Kitchen is over...I'm addicted to that show) Don't know why since I can't really cook!

Anyhow, just wanted to share a pretty amazing (and a bit more healthy) recipe, if you love spaghetti!

I have eaten it before - but had forgotten about it - Spaghetti Squash! It's pretty easy to cook and you can find some recipes for it, but you can actually make it into spaghetti. First, cut the squash in half (long way) THEN - scoop out the middle with the seeds (similar to a pumpkin) Drizzle some oil in the squash. Put it on a pan - face down, bake at 375 for an hour.

After it's down, take a fork and scoop the inside out - the "guts" when scooped out after being cooked looks like spaghetti. Then - you can toss some spaghetti sauce on it, a little parm if you have a problem like myself! BOOM! :) (I also had a spinach salad while I waited) When I was at Giant Eagle today, since I went for 3 things and left with a shopping cart full, I tried a new dressing - Marzetti Raspberry Cabernet Vinaigrette! (It's low fat and amazing.. and yummy) Toss in some crumbled bleu if you want or some craisins and nuts...

Avocado on some triscuits are a yummy snack too....

That's all I got. :)