Monday, December 14, 2009

Tis the season..

Running song of the moment: Lisztomania - Phoenix (or pretty much anything by Vampire Weekend)

I figured since it has been awhile I should post something! First - what a journey 2009 has been (just in case I forget to write again this year)

I have lost 38lbs since January. Truly amazing. It hasn't been easy at all. But fitting back into size 6 jeans this weekend has made it worth it. (I was barely in a 12 - closer to a 14) I look at old pictures of myself and I see myself but it blows my mind that was me.

I definitely feel more confident and better about myself. I remember going to meeting in my favorite navy pin stripe suit - usually with a sweater over my buttondown to take away from my inability to button my suit coat and to camoflague my rolls(ha) Last week I went to wear that suit - couldn't - even with a belt I was swimming in my pants! :)

2009 has been a rollercoaster- new things, new town, etc. I'm so thankful for rediscovering running. :) 3 months and some days until my first half marathon - I'm really excited.

My other goal for 2010 - lose about 10 more lbs (or fit into a 2/4) and complete my first triathlon. Of course I have other races I'm planning on running (5ks, marthas run 10k, and broadstreet)

So thanks to all my friends who have been on this trail with me.. And for those of you scared of running.. Try it. Walk 30 minutes 5x a week. Then start adding in short run/walk intervals.. Greatest sport - it's cheap (just add shoes and maybe a friend), you can run anywhere, and you can really clear your head :)

Happy holidays and happy running :)

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